Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 5, 2015

Bangkok & Hua Hin Version 3.0 (Sneak Peek)

I just came back from my recent trip to Bangkok and that's explain why I didn't update my blog recently.


This is my third visit to Bangkok, after two years and I'm looking forward to go again. See, I told you that Bangkok has indeed put spell on me. I just can't help myself from going back over and over again.

Not just Bangkok, this time we managed to go Hua Hin as well for 3 days 2 nights.

Hua Hin 2015 01

Hua Hin is getting more attention and popular lately, especially among foreign visitors for its interesting and charming theme parks such as Santorini Park, The Venezia, Swiss Sheep Farm and more.

Hua Hin Day Trip
#2: A day tour around Hua Hin cost 1,800 baht

That is one of the reason why I choose to be back Bangkok, instead of other cities. The other reasons:

Bangkok 2015 - Pratunam Market
#3: Shopping around Pratunam area

I admit that I shopped a lot when I was in Bangkok cause they were freaking cheap, from the top to the bottom. I could get a nice and decent top plus with good quality for only 120 baht (approx. to RM14) and a dress for 200 baht (approx. to RM23). I can't deny that Bangkok is indeed ladies shopping paradise.

Foods around Hua Hin & Bangkok 2015
#4: Aroi mak mak! (means very very delicious in Thai)

Besides shopping, a trip to Bangkok and Hua Hin is about food, food and food. Tom yam gung, Thai fish cake, pad thai, coconut milk sticky rice with sweet mangoes, fresh seafood - I just love Thai cuisines.

#5: Thanks to AirAsia for the cheap fare

Cheap shopping, delicious food and cheap massages - that's explain why Bangkok always my favourite city to be. Anyone love Bangkok as well? 

[Note: Just when I wish to go Bangkok again, I received another invitation to there but I rejected due to work commitment. So sad]

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