Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 7, 2011

First Day Arrived in Taiwan

Date of Visited: 20 December 2010

Going Taiwan on Christmas Day is kinda fun but joining organised tour guide is kinda disaster. So, never ever join organised tour guide if you want to enjoy Taiwan trip to the fullest. However, because for this trip of mine which can consider part of family trip, so no choice but to join them.

Woke up as early as 3 am for the last minute packing and cooked some breakfast for my 2 lil brothers. There is only one direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Taipei and this flight is only available at 6 am via Air Asia. The journey took us 3 hours and around 9 am, landed on Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.

Taiwan Day 1 002
My second visit on Taoyuan International Airport.

Taiwan Day 1 001
A warm welcome by Taiwanese boy band, Fahrenheit

After done with all the passport checking and luggage claimed, we went and met our local tour guide which will bring us around Taiwan for this 7 days trip. Our first pitstop was having lunch. Oh gosh! Luckily enough going for lunch first before start to go other destinations because I was super hungry at that moment. I don't fancy ordering foods inside the cabin because I think it is not worth it. Cost more than RM10 for just a small plate of meal which exactly won't fulfilled my empty stomach but for my 2 lil brothers, they were eating just like a prince.

Taiwan Buffet Steamboat
Lunch at Bar B.Q., which is typical steamboat and barbeque buffet style. Not much choices but I am not that picky when comes to food.

Here is the list of the places we went on the first day in Taiwan:

In Chinese means "nine portions", is a mountain area of northeast cost of Taiwan. The roads to Jiufen are steep and narrow. I was wondering how the big bus that we are riding on could pass through these roads. Guess the driver must has highly professional driving skills.

1Taiwan 20106
The mountain view from Jiufen

1Taiwan 20104
Narrow alleys and streets for pedestrians only

1Taiwan 20103
But packed with various of local foods and snacks. This is where I found out the jumbo sausage is actually wild boar.

Taipei 101
Taiwan's landmark skyscraper and served as a symbolic icon for Taiwan. Formerly ranked as the world's tallest building from 2004 until 2010. Here is the ideal place for those who want to experience high end shopping.

Taipei 101-1
Christmas Tree standing outside the mall

Taiwan Day 1 005
Dazzling Swarovski Christmas tree in Taipei 101 Mall

Taiwan Day 1 003
Adorable advertisement board on a tourist bus

Taiwan Day 1 004

Wufenpu Fashion Area

This area is best known for wholesale garment market and the largest clothing line market in Taiwan. At here, you will see lots of bags contains of clothes lying on the floor and their clothes are definitely cheap. So for ladies who like to shop, I will recommend this place but the drawback of this place there is no fitting room; which similar to the pasar malam (night market).

Taiwan Wufenpu-1

Shilin Night Market
End our first night by visiting the most popular and bustling night market in Taipei. This night market is divided into two different sections; the food vendors which opposite of the railway station while the other side across the road is selling fashionable and accessories items.

1Taiwan 20107

[Credit to: Wikipedia, Wikitravel]

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