Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 11, 2011

On Hiatus Mode

Hiatus Mode

I had decided to put my blog in hiatus mode for 2 weeks starting from today onwards for a well preparation of my external papers exam. I really love to spend some time to blog but I guess I unable to do so because there are so many things I need to cover for my exam. Blame myself for my bad time management. I even had limited my time for outings with friends and family. No more ladies night, no more movie at cinema and also limited my time on facebook, twitter and blogging. Really had put all the effort on my study but seems like forever won't able to finish my study. Sometimes I was wondering, "Why the time past so fast?!!!"

Anyhow, my blog will resume as usual after done with my exam on 12th December. So, in the mean time, please forgive me if I didn't manage to visit your blog for this 2 weeks. But I do hope you guys will still keep continue reading and support my blog as always.

Will be back with more of these in Travel & Living Journal of DT soon I get back:

DT's 2011 Trip in South Korea; Shenzen, China & Singapore

Also will continue my trip around Europe for 20 days.

Nice, France
Bad decision done by me:

And because due to my exam too, I had to forgone my blog biggest collaboration with a well-known and biggest airlines. (Hint: Red colour airline) Being shortlisted among thousand of people out there but in the end, I decided to let go of this one-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity. Kinda sad and feels wanna cry but what to do, it clash with my exam time. Probably next time, I hope.

It's boyfie's birthday today. It will be my final night going out for a celebration. After this, need to gambate harder!

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 11, 2011

Featured Twitterer in

Being part of a Borneon girl is always what I proud of. Not just that, I am very proud too to tell my friend that I'm not just a Sabahan lady, but I am a Sarawakian too. Quite complicated to explain this but not matter where I from, I always proud to become a Malaysian. Malaysia my home, my place.

A few weeks after being informed by Malaysia Asia that I was featured in his blog as "Malaysia Travel Blog List", I was given another surprised by admin of, Tom Rungitom that he invited me to be the Featured Twitterer in for September (another delayed post again). Guess what? By the time I received his message via fb, I will flying off to Korea in another 4 days. Double happiness at that period and I almost can't sleep at night. Hype to the max!

Bc Buddy 01

Frankly speaking, I'm not really like to ask you guys to follow my twitter because I crap a lot especially of my everyday lifestyle & personal activities. This is why nowadays you won't see I blog much about my own personal lifestyle in my blog. I tend to prefer "tweet tweet".

Bc Buddy 02

Therefore, when one of the interview questions asked "Why should I follow you on Twitter?", my best answer was - I won't force you to follow me on Twitter but if you do, "Follow at your own risk".

However, my old Twitter account @dianateodt came to its end when I unable to log in last month. It was being hacked when I was holiday in Malacca and all this while, I can only tweet using my smartphone. I has this bad habit where I didn't practice the attitude of signing out after done with the social network. Experienced this before where my hotmail being hacked, but I still don't learn the lesson. Because of that, I has decided to create a new Twitter account @dtdianateo. So for those who follow me before, you may follow me @dtdianateo now.

Bc buddy 04-1
The blue bird mascot of Twitter is best describe about myself because blue is my all time favourite colour and I want to become free as the bird where I can fly as high as I can and travel all around the world.
Once again, thanks thanks thanks to everyone who willing to follow me on my twitter. Do follow me @dtdianateo but a strong reminder, "Follow at your own risk". Thanks to Tom Rungitom too for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

"Sometimes being a blogger, being featured is more meaningful than winning something"

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 11, 2011

7 Days of Wonderful Winter Taiwan Trip Itinerary (2010)

Taiwan Day 1 002
Finally, my Taiwan travelogue come to an end.

Here is the compilation of my 2010 Taiwan trips which I went during X'mas with my family:

Day 1 (20 December 2010)
- First Day Arrived in Taiwan

Day 2 (21 December 2010)
- Window of China Theme Park - Part I: Miniature World
- Window of China Theme Park - Part II: Doraemon Park- Second Day in Taiwan: Tangerine & Orange Farm, Fengjia Night Market

Day 3 (22 December 2010)
- Fo Guang Shan Monastery
- Mei Non Hakka Village
- Third Day in Taiwan: Dream Mall, Shinkuchan Night Market & Kaohsiung's famous Beef Noodle

Day 4 (23 December 2010)
- Lotus Lake: Dragon and Tiger Tower & Spring and Autumn Pagodas
- Teresa Teng Memorial Museum
- Former British Consulate Residence, Love River & Liouho Night Market
Day 5 (24 December 2010)
- Sun Moon Lake & Wen Wu Temple of Taichung
- Chung Tai Chan Monastery- Taiwan Day 5: Museum of Taiwai Hinoki and Taichung Night Market
Day 6 (25 December 2010)
- 3 Historical & Cultural Heritage of Taipei City
- Floral World at Taipei Flora Expo 2010
- Taiwan Day 6: Ximending

Day 7 (26 December 2010)
- It's Time To Say Goodbye, Taiwan: Taiyuan International Airport

Extra features:
1) Taiwan's 7-Eleven
2) Taiwan's Night Markets & Food
3) Spotted Betel Nut Beauty
4) It's My Haul from Taiwan
5) Nasty Souvenirs from Taiwan

DT @ Taiwan

Honestly speaking, I really do love to make another trip to Taiwan again because I much prefer to do a backpacking trip rather than joined travel agency. *keeping my fingers cross*

Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy reading my Taiwan travelogue and hopefully it would help for those who plan for a trip to Taiwan.

Hope you guys enjoy ur weekend and without realise, today is another remarkable day 20.11.2011. Have an awesome day everyone! Till then, wait for my 2011 trip around Shenzen, China; Seoul & Jeju Island, Korea and Singapore too.

Small Note: Too busy with my revision currently. But I really love to spare some time on blogging. Addicted to blogging. OMG!

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2011

Nasty Souvenirs from Taiwan

Before I move on, I would like stress here that my post is not about those yellow minded things but it's a kinda sharing in case you run out of idea of what to buy when you plan to have a trip to Taiwan. Sharing is caring, right?

Still remember my post of It's My Haul from Taiwan? If not, it's OK cause I guess this post will be much more interesting than knowing all the details of what I bought back all the way from Taiwan.

Taiwan's Haul 08
Spot any things that fishy and catchy? Perhaps on the left hand side?

Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 01
For those who has eye sight problem, here is the enlarge photo

OK, I know they do looks naught and nasty but they really caught my attention while I was venture around the candy shop to buy some sweetie candy for my friends as a gift, especially this one...
Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 02
"Choco is better than sex"

You couldn't believe that I was attracted to the words on the box itself apparently and plan to buy for my crazy dearest best buddies. At first, I thought it was a normal choclate bar but not until I look into the content inside the box, my jaw almost dropping to the floor...

Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 03
Look, is condom, I means chocolate but it really looks alike condom. I'm not kid. Even my bro who sat next to me while I was open this box inside the bus, asking me why did I bought this kind of thing? Seriously, he thought I bought a real condom. =_="

How about the other 2 boxes?
Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 04
I think you guys can guess it by now of what's the content looks like

Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 05
A dark chocolate "dick" and a white chocolate "boobs"

Taiwan's Nasty Souvenir 06
I much more prefer the apparent of the "boobs"

Believe me, this would be the perfect gift especially for your friends. Yes, it do really looks a bit nasty and naughty but all my friends especially my ex-colleagues keep persuade me to give to them whereas I only give limited to few of my ex-colleagues. So, next time when you make a trip to Taiwan, don't forget to make a visit to Sophisca - a candy shop which selling those above.

Small note to Lady G: You are a good observer and have a good eye sight.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 11, 2011

In Miri To Meet My BFF

Seldom came cross where I blog about visiting around Malaysia? This is because I has visited most of the cities around Malaysia when I was in high school. At that moment, blog is still undiscovered by me yet. Well, thanks to opportunity given by the Girl Guides Association Malaysia Sabah and not forgetting to my dad too, who loves to have road trip at that moment for me to explore more cities around Malaysia. Only two states which I haven't visit yet which are Kelantan and Pahang. Hopefully I can go Kelantan in coming years to visit my BFF there.

Talking about Miri, I purposely added into part of my trip when visiting my relatives in Kuching back in 2008 just to visit the people I met during my college life. It's cool and awesome to meet lots of friends who came from different places/cities/states and without realising as the times passes, slowly some of us getting closer and has become best friends. Not only that, somehow there's culture embedded within us where "You visit my hometown, I visit your hometown" those kind culture. Quite funny right - when we were young, bold and free at our younger period?

Visiting Miri this time around is much different compare to my previous visit because I became a truly tourist and got to see more places around Miri, thanks to the courtesy of my best friend and her family.

Miri 01
One of Miri's landmark that my best friend brought me to was The Grand Old Lady. Miri is known as birthplace of Malaysia's petroleum industry and this Grand Old Lady is the first oil well in Malaysia. However, this oil well is no longer production and it has been declared by the Sarawak Government as a protected historical monument.

Miri 02
Statues showing how the old days drilling was done without the help of high technology equipments

Miri 03
A view of Miri City from the observatory platform.

Miri 04
Next to this oil well is the Petroleum Science Museum - traces the history and technological development of the oil & gas industries in Malaysia.

Thereafter, we wandered around Miri City. Even I has visited Miri few times, never thought there are so many place yet to discovered by me.

Miri 05
Take for example, Luak Esplanade - a long stretch of beach where you can enjoy the blue ocean scenery and smell the ocean breeze. Just like the Tanjung Aru.

Miri 06

Miri 07
This massive bronze seahouse is the landmark of seafood restaurant located in Marina Bay.

Miri 08

Miri 09

Thanks to my dearest friends during my visit in Miri. Appreciate that so much for willing to spare some time with me.

[Credit to: Miri Resort City]

Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2011

Foodie Friday: Snowflake, Mid Valley

Snowflake, Mid Valley 01
Beep, beep! Calling all aliens!

Never thought Taiwan's foods has hit Malaysia like a storm especially their bubble milk tea and soya-based ice desserts. Everyone seems like addicted to them and it is something not to miss out when visiting KL.

A few weeks before going back to KK, my university close friend decided to "meat" up after hadn't seen each others since ever our university graduation. (I found this interesting new word "meat" from my previous college lecturer where it stands for meet + eat = meat. It is really out of expectation that this word will eventually thought by a lecturer.) We decided to meet up at Mid Valley and after filled our tummy with Japanese ramen for our lunch, we can't wait any longer to have the Taiwanese dessert - Snowflake.

Snowflake, Mid Valley 02
What a long queue and that's means their business is absolutely profitable. Unfortunately, they have met the quota and will not accepting any new application for the franchise.

Since I tried its Best Seller before, so I decided to try the "Grass Jelly Series" and I opt for red beans, pearls and taro for the toppings.
Snowflake, Mid Valley 04
A bowl of refreshing and rejuvenating dessert to cool down your heat body on a hot weather.

Snowflake, Mid Valley 05
Can you imagine that people willing to wait for more than 10 minutes just to have this bowl of dessert? It is so tempting!

Oh! Before I forgot, today is special day - 11.11.2011. Anyone celebrate this special day?

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2011

Watching Moving Creatures It's Fun Sometimes

I'm not sure about you but I found out I recently loves to visit anything that relates to moving creatures; most likely for a zoo or even an aquarium. I don't know since when I have those kind of feelings towards animals but don't you think it is fun to see those animals right in front of your naked eyes instead of watching them in TV especially on those animals which you thought you will probably never gonna see in your life but you got to see them in zoo, animal park, aquarium, wildlife park and so on?

My first visit will probably back in year 1995 where my family and I had our first family trip to KL and visited Zoo Negara. Since then, I got this curiosity towards some animals and makes me wanna know more about them.

Take for an example, I went to Ocean Park, Hong Kong before but when I went to Hong Kong again last year, I make another second trip to Ocean Park just to see the most cutest animal of the world - Panda Bear. I missed them out when my maiden visit in year 2005.

Giant Panda Adventure, Hong Kong
Giant Panda Adventure, Ocean Park, Hong Kong

Underwater Sentosa Island
Uniquely pink dolphin in Underwater World, Sentosa Island, Singapore.

I loves to visit theme park too. So when a theme park combines together with an animal lifepark, it's totally another plus points for me to make a visit.

Safari Park, Everland
You probably won't believe that I could see these lions so close in one of the Korea's famous theme park - Everland.

Singapore Zoo
When I went Singapore last September, this visit is absolutely compulsory in my itinerary - Singapore Zoo. Looks like I was in Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre, Sandakan but I went there before. :D

SeaLife, Birmingham
Road trip with friends and visited National Sea Life Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Finally, try to make a lucky guess where is this place?

If you ask what animals do I really love to see when visiting those park, I can't give you the exact answers because a kind of animal got many type of undefined species. However, I can honestly tell you that there are 3 types of animals starting with "S" that I am truly scare of them - Spider, Snake, Shark. Kinda phobia when seeing them.

DT & Guci
Sometimes my house do serve as a small animal park too. There was once before where we had 3 dogs, 4 birds, hen, goose, ducks and not forgetting A MONKEY which unsure where my dad caught it from.

So, how about you? Do you love to visit those zoo and animal park? And if you do, what animals do you love to see? Loves to hear from you all :D

Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 11, 2011

Maiden Premiere Screening from Nuffnang

Do you still remember my post of an adventure with my lil puppy - Adventure with My Lil' Guci?

Out of my expectation, I won a pair of tickets for the exclusive screening of "The Adventure of Tin Tin" .mrgreen

This is my maiden premiere screening by Nuffnang. Thanks so much!

What a surprised before I am going back hometown next week! Initially, I thought I might not able to get this exclusive premiere because there were lots of other bloggers who also participate in joining this contest. But who knows when I'm checking my email and saw an email from Nuffnang saying that I won the tickets, oh my! Almost got in tears.

I love to watch movie at the cinema so much and this really makes my day! Thanks to my housemate too for accompany to watch this movie. By the way, we got to watch this movie earlier (including the other bloggers who won the tickets) than anyone else because the exact date of the screening is on 10 of November 2011. Yipee!! Somemore in 3D!

Before I end this, I would like to say again "THANKS SO MUCH, NUFFNANG!". Hopefully I can win another pair of movie ticket again. biggrin

P/S: No review because I sucks in doing so. What I can said was although it is in 3D animation, but it looks like a real life adventure and action. Worth to watch! And I can't take off my eyes on the Snowy, Tin Tin's cute little dog.

Note: I might not able to update so frequently for this short period! No, not because I am going travelling soon, but I am busy in preparing for my external papers exam currently. Less than 1 more to go for my exam

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2011

It's My Haul From Taiwan

Done with my Taiwan travelogue, now it's the time for me do a lil bit of "show off" what had I bought during my trip in Taiwan.

Some of the items in Taiwan is consider to be quite cheap and it is worthwhile to buy as compare during my trip to Japan. Most of my friends who went Taiwan especially ladies really had the craziest shopping experience, where going to Taiwan bringing just a small little tiny bag but came back with 2 big luggages.

But that's not so ME! Most of the time when I travel, I prefer to buy some unique foods that is not available in Malaysia.

Taiwan's Haul 01

Taiwan's Haul 02
Align CenterTaiwan Mochi - I prefer those fruits mochi.

Taiwan's Haul 03
Seriously, this is the most delicious pineapple soft cookies I ever had. I almost finished up all the 3 boxes by myself. Gosh! I miss the taste of it now.

Taiwan's Haul 04
Peanut milk candy and it is so hard.

Taiwan's Haul 05
Taiwan famous sausage. I only happens to found these two in Taoyuan International Airport. A perfect gift for my dad because when comes to travelling, I really have no any idea what to buy for my dad, so most probably foods will be the best choice for him.

Taiwan's Haul 06
Sweets and candy - Requested from boyfie.

Taiwan's Haul 07
This is my favourite too - Biscuit stick and some tit bits which I know seriously, it is not good for health.

Taiwan's Haul 08
Chocolate and candy from Sophisca. A perfect choice for your friends (Will blog about this in later post)

Taiwan's Haul 09
Doraemon biscuit sticks from Window on China Theme Park, Taiwan.

See, I'd told you that I more interested with foods.

Taiwan's Haul 10
Hair accessories from night market. I lost one of it during my Korea trip. SAD!!!

Taiwan's Haul 11
  1. Wallet cost NT$100 (approx. RM10) from night market in Taichung.
  2. Polka dot umbrella (recently addicted to those things in polka dot) which is really high tech. You just press the button and the umbrella will automatically open but only last for 9 months.
  3. Earphone from Ximending cost NT$75 for each
  4. Taiwan's famous mask - Beauty Diaries which bought from 7-Eleven. My girlfriends told me that this brand of mask selling in Taiwan is extremely cheaper than Malaysia but I just bought 2 packs. Some more, 1 pack contains 2 masks only. =_=

Taiwan's Haul 12
Bought a few pieces of clothes. Because the time I went is winter season, so 99% of the clothes are in long sleeve. Not really prefer long sleeve because can't wear in Malaysia.

Taiwan's Haul 13
Finally, my travel collection - keychain & fridge magnets. If I didn't bought it, I will feel like I never visit that country/city.