Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 5, 2012

Foodie Friday: Dim Sum Diary

Time to share foodie post in Foodie Friday segment again! And once again, shame to say that it's another long way back outdated post again which happens one year ago. I am seriously forgotten about this, until I browsed through my photo album and like, "Oh no! I should blog about this earlier". But then, I guess maybe this is the right time for me to post this in conjunction with this "Mother's Day" event which happens this coming Sunday. So, what's your plan for your beloved queen of your heart?

For this post, I am gonna share about dim sum which I had in KK last year. Not only one but two which I had for two consecutive weekend. Don't worry, it's all halal by the way. Anyhow, who doesn't fall in love with this small little bite-sized but awesome delicious foods? It has become a ritual especially for the Chinese to have dim sum as breakfast. Or even having dim sum as "brunch" - the combination of breakfast and lunch into one large midmorning meal. Just like it literally means, dim sum has become everyone favourite delicacies - from variety of dumplings, steamed dishes to deep-fried.

Dim Sum @ Hyatt Hotel

One of my bestie told me that The Chinese Restaurant at Hyatt Hotel does offer an abundant selection of dim sum delicacies from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. It may a lil bit pricey which cost around RM60 per pax, but my friends and I were sitting and enjoy our meal for more than 3 hours. So, it's kinda worth cause with the wide spread selection of foods, the attentive services and great atmosphere that we're paying for.

Dim Sum Diary @ Hyatt Hotel 01

Dim Sum Diary @ Hyatt Hotel 02
Besides with over than 20 choices of dim sum you can choose from, there even a section for those who are sweet tooth lovers.

Dim Sum Diary @ Hyatt Hotel 03

Dim Sum Diary @ Hyatt Hotel 04

Dim Sum Diary @ Hyatt Hotel 05

Only available on weekends and public holidays, I recommended to go earlier because it will be crowded after 10:00am.

Dim Sum @ Pacific Sutera Hotel

A week after having dim sum with my besties, I tagged my family along for another dim sum buffet again. I saw this promotion for the Mother's Day event, where all the mothers get to eat for free. Hence, I suggested to give a try since I have membership card offers.

Dim Sum Diary @ Pan Pac Sutera Harbour 02

Dim Sum Diary @ Pan Pac Sutera Harbour 01

Dim Sum Diary @ Pan Pac Sutera Harbour 03

Dim Sum Diary @ Pan Pac Sutera Harbour 04

Dim Sum Diary @ Pan Pac Sutera Harbour 05

Will I bring my mom and family again this year? Well, the answer is No! It's not because the price per pax may sounds costly, but I dislike the idea where you have to order and wait for your meal. I tends to prefer where you go the main table and grab the foods as many as you can. Doesn't that what's buffet means for?

P/S: I'm not sure whether this year they still have this kind of promotion but if you are interested, you can try give them a call for the confirmation.

Anyhow, I think I will go for another dim sum meals again this coming Mother's Day cause all of my family members and even my boyfie love dim sum so much. Might be sounds to early, but I here sincerely wish all the mother especially mother bloggers like Shirley Tay, Cath-J, Nadia Richard, Chawana, Stella Claire, Mamarazzi

"Happy Mother's Day!"

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