Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 5, 2012

My #7SuperShots

I was reading My 7 Super Shots post by Fie-nuts not until when I read until the end, she tagged me to do the same post too. I was so surprised but thanks for the tagged, Fie and giving me the chance to participate in this HostelBookers 7 Super Shots. Well, like everyone said, "A photo speak a thousand words by itself" and I believe that photo plays important role too when comes to travelling as it creates and brings spectacular memories of all the beautiful memories that you'd been through from the journey.

Hereby, I share my own list for the photo that...

#1. Takes my breath away

#7SuperShots - 01
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (2011) - Who can image the aerial view photo that I took from hundred feet above the sea it likes telling me, "Smile and the world will smile to you". And even you'll get to see a love shape island on the left-hand side of this look-like-face aerial view.

#2. Makes me laugh or smile

#7SuperShots - 02
Jeju Island, South Korea (2011) - Everytime when I browsing back especially this photo which I took in "Love Land" and reminiscence all the statues I seen, I feels like can't stop laughing on how this place demonstrate especially the newly wed couple of Korean how to make love. I'm kid not!

#3. Makes me dream

#7SuperShots - 03
Kyoto, Japan (2010) - Dreaming that I could revisit Japan again someday and manage to wear kimono in Japan itself as I experienced wearing "hanbok" in Korea and even the Chinese dynasty princess costume  in China but never got the chance to wear kimono.

#4. Makes me think

#7SuperShots - 04
Manchester United Stadium, United Kingdom (2008) - Got the chance to visit this spectacular and glory Red Devil's stadium but I was thinking if I got the chance to watch the live football match, how will the crowd with thousand of audience would be? Not only holding the banner, shouting for "GOAL GOAL" until my lung will come out from my body but also making a wave with the crowd together which I never got the chance to experience before.

#5. Makes my mouth water

#7SuperShots - 05
Hong Kong (2010) - Just like it literally means, "touch your heart", dim sum is always my favourite local delicacies which not only I love to enjoy in Hong Kong itself, also as a brunch (the combination of both breakfast and lunch) with my family together. 

#6. Tells a story

#7SuperShots - 06
Verona, Italy (2008) - Looks like everyone is writing their love wishes, make a sincere wish and stick it on the wall so that he/she could be together with his/her other half could live happily ever. "Till death tears us apart"

#7. I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)

#7SuperShots - 07
Phuket, Thailand (2012) - Waiting with passionate but almost got sunburned just to witness the magnificent and famous sunset view from Promthep Cape. Totally no regret!

Now it's my turn to tag 5 other bloggers to do the same things too:
1. World of Travels, Enviro, Photography - 
4. Travels - Ballroom Dancing - Amusement Park -

All you need to do is pick your own photos for each of the above categories, write a short description for each image and not forgetting to tag 5 other bloggers too. For more info, check out here. Have fun everyone!

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