Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2012

Foodie Friday: Hokkaido Ichiba, The Gardens

Hello everyone! Have your dinner yet? It's been a while I haven't post anything under "Foodie Friday" segment and since it's Friday, hereby I shared with you another Japanese eatery I visited last year before "tapao+ing" everything back to my sweet hometown, Kota Kinabalu. Yeap, another backdated post again.

My lovely housemate and I love Japanese foods so much. So, when everytime we plan to dine in the mall, definitely Japanese restaurant will be our main choice. Since both of us had tried Sushi Zanmai before in the Garden mall, hence we decided Hokkaido Ichiba which located at the same floor as Sushi Zanmai. Surprisingly, both Hokkaido Ichiba and Sushi Zanmai are operate under the same management.

Hokkaido Ichiba 01
No surprise with the long queue since it's time for dinner. 

Hokkaido Ichiba 02

After waiting for almost half an hour, finally both of us being served to our seat. Browsing through their extensive menu, I realised they did serve quite a number of Japanese foods that couldn't find in other Japanese eatery and their price are slightly higher than most of the average Japanese restaurant. Hopefully their foods would not disappointed us with the amout we're going to pay. 

So here's the food that we ordered:

Hokkaido Ichiba 03

Both of us ordered the same set of meal, Chicken Katsujyu [RM28.00] and what shocking us was, it comes in a huge portion. Kinda regret for ordering two cause at the end, we have hard time to finish them all. Should order other meal instead.

Hokkaido Ichiba 04

One of my favourite dishes when visiting Japanese restaurant will be Tori Katsu and Hokkaido Ichiba did served a delicious and pretty awesome for that. The chicken is so crispy on the outside but at the same time, it so tender and juicy once you bite from the inside.

We did ordered two slide dishes. That's why we unable to finish out giant Tori Katsu set meal. 

Hokkaido Ichiba 05
Spider Maki or Soft Shell Crab [RM22.00]. Again, another pretty huge sushi.

Hokkaido Ichiba 06
Unagi Ozushi [RM28.00] Frankly speaking, I dislike order or even eat unagi cause I hate those fish bone. But for this time around, decided to have a try. The taste is quite sweet but again, got fish bone. Must be careful when eating it.

Besides sushi, sashimi, bento, ramen and any others of Japanese foods, Hokkaido Ichiba does served extensive range of desserts. Since both of us are so full with the above dishes, we only ordered two small ball of their Hokkaido ice-cream [RM6.80 for two flavours]

Hokkaido Ichiba 07

The total damages for this meal cost RM130.85 and both of us are pretty satisfied with the foods. Reasonable price with 2 set of bentos, 2 slide dishes, desserts and even including the refillable green tea. 

However, my housemate and I are quite dissatisfied with their services when they keep gave us the wrong ice-cream flavour that we ordered. And even upon requested to make payment, it tooks more than 20 minutes and asking more than 5 waiter/waitress to give us the bill. Not only us, the patron sitting next to us even make a complaint to the manager. How shameless a big and premier Japanese restaurant could serve their customers in this way? Hopefully they will improve their service in my next visit.

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