Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 1, 2013

Castleton, United Kingdom #throwback

Castleton is my first ever trip when I studied in United Kingdom back then and I had never blog about this before. Frankly speaking, none of us had ever heard of this place before but after our senior explained how beautiful and scenery was that place, immediately we signed up with our senior to join for this 1 day tour. Afterall, discover new place wasn't a bad idea and might gain new experiences.

Castleton 01
#1: Castleton signboard

Castleton is a small little village located in the north east of England. The name itself was taken upon a castle which built besides the famous river known by the local. You won't find any high skyscrapers or even public transportation such as trains surrounding this village. All we saw just a row of old dark brown houses and shops without any paint of them, two or three small churches and an art gallery.

Castleton 02

Castleton 03

Castleton 04

Castleton 05

Castleton 06

Castleton 07
#7: Colourful blossom flowers in front of somebody's house

Castleton 10
#8: As we walked further, we saw a flock of white fluffy sheep and it's my first time of seeing them.

Castleton 08
#9: A flock of sheep, a clear blue sky and a lush green field makes this a perfect photo.

Castleton 09
#10:Oh look! Even the sheep know how to look in front of the camera. Amazing!

Castleton 11
#11: Initially I had this naughty thoughts of rolling down the hill but tons of sheeps' poo poo. 

Castleton might seems nothing extraordinary but this place totally gave us the relax feeling and also stress free from keep thinking of the non-stop weekly assignments and presentations. Especially for people like us who living in the big city might not able to enjoy this kind of place back in our own city, this place is incredibly breathtaking and pristine. Castleton, a truly clean and fresh air village.  

Castleton 12
#12: Before leaving Castleton, a group photo with my unimates.

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