Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 1, 2013

Unexpected First Trip of 2013

Well, it's not an unexpected trip anyway cause both Boyfie and I did plan earlier for a trip to Johor just for the newly opened Legoland Theme Park but unfortunately the airfare was extremely expensive. A return airfare from Kota Kinabalu to Johor Bahru for a person via AirAsia cost roughly RM270 plus and we were thinking to postpone until we managed to get a very cheap one. Out of sudden, AirAsia was having this 1Malaysia Integration Programme by offering 10,000 free seats to all Malaysian early of this month. I was just trying my luck and I was so shocked when the return airfare was RM15 only (only had to pay for the airport tax). Without thinking any longer, immediately I purchased as we managed to save at least RM250 per person and for two, we saved roughly more than RM500. Yes, both of us are accountant and auditor, therefore we are quite calculative.
1Malaysia AirAsia aircraft
Newly launched of AirAsia 1Malaysia aircraft version

For this trip, we tried to limit our budget up to RM1,000 for two pax including hotel, transportation, foods and admission to Legoland but this of course, excluded our shopping spending. Who knows that my sister has two Legoland 30% discount vouchers given by KFC Singapore and as for the hotel, I managed to redeem up to RM75 from for the points I accumulated. Hence, for a 3 stars ranking hotel that cost RM420 for 3 nights, I only paid RM345.
Legoland Malaysia
It's scorching hot during our visit but it's better than pouring day. 

The only problem that we're facing throughout the trip was the mode of transportation mode it was kinda inconvenient for both of us. We did check the schedule of the public bus but sometimes it can't guaranteed that we might able to catch the bus. On the day we went to Legoland, we woke up as easly as 6.30am to catch the bus at 8.30am but we didn't see any sign of bus when the time as scheduled arrived. Then, on the other day we tried to catch bus at 10am and we reached 15 minutes earlier, the related party told us that the bus has left earlier cause there was no sparking space for them. Oh my gosh! Some of the bus driver were not even honest and lied to us that we had reached the desired bus stop but turns out to be other bus stop. Kinda hard to believe that this happened in my own country, Malaysia. Shame to say that! Therefore on the last day, we spend almost RM100 just for one way from our hotel to airport cause we worried if we trying to catch a public bus, in returns we might miss our flight due to inconsistency of the public bus.

Handal Indah - JB Public Bus

However, throughout the trip besides Legoland, I enjoyed meeting up two group friends of mine; one was my college classmate and the other was my university housemate cum my travelmate to Japan and Korea. Both of them did offer to bring us around but we rejected cause we got our own plan. Not just travel around Johor Bahru, Boyfie and I managed to go Singapore too for a day trip. From my previous trips to Singapore, I always bypass from Johor Bahru to Singapore by renting a car. This time around, we took public bus, then went through the immigration checking point and went back to the bus again. Seriously speaking, all of these processes were not convenient especially for those who lugging with huge luggage bags and also for those elderly people.

JB Immigration Checkpoint
If you look closely, I was stopped by the officer from taking any photo. No photos are allowed!

Nothing much I can blog about my this travel adventures except for Legoland Theme Park as well as review of the hotel I was staying - 11@Century Hotel, which I will blog in the next few posts.

For more of my travel updates, follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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