Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 1, 2013

My Travel Haul & Expenses of Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia (2011)

It's time for me to share what did I bought from Jakarta and Bandung and how much did I spend throughout my 5 days and 4 nights trip to there.

Most of the blog readers thought I bought and spend a lot since Jakarta and Bandung claimed to be one of the best shopping paradise.

Day 3 - Shopping Haul
Combination of mommy and mine shopping haul.

Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Haul 01
But actually, I only bought 3 pieces of top for myself and all bought from Bandung city. The right one is Esprit, but not sure whether it's genuine or counterfeit. I did bought few too but mostly to my sister, Boyfie and also to the top commentator of my blog - check out my post on Top Commentators for Year 2010 & 2011.

Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Haul 02
Bought this bag from Harcomas Mangga Dua, Jakarta cause it costs RM18 only. But only last long for 3 months. Like they said, what you paid for is what you got.

Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Haul 03
Slipper that cost RM8 from Bandung. Not intentionally to buy this and it was being forced by mom cause my sport shoe was freaking wet due to heavy rain upon arrival in Bandung city.

Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Haul 04
These two long necklace were bought in WTC Mangga Dua, Jakarta before leaving the city. I am currently so addicted to these long necklace. Thinking to venture into this kind of business. Anyone of you interested in necklace by the way? 

Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Haul 05
Last but not least, fridge magnets is one of the items that for sure I will buy whenever I travel. It's kinda hard to buy fridge magnets in Jakarta and even Bandung too. For the Bandung, I stumbled upon a street seller in Cihampelas Street and thank goodness, we were able to bargain with him but for the Jakarta, I bought in the airport and for sure, it was freaking expensive. Just to add into my travel collection, I had to close my eyes on the price that time.

Well, as you can see, not many did I bought cause I not fond of the fashion in Jakarta and Bandung.

And this is my sharing of the full details of my travel expenses that mommy and I had spend throughout the 5 days and 4 nights trip around Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia. [All except the one I marked with * are the expenses incurred by two persons.]
Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia 2011 Travel Expenses
(The rate as at the time I changed; RM1 : IDR2,810)

  1. It's consider cheap for a return airfare which cost RM165 per pax but we only found out that this doesn't included the airport tax departed from Jakarta. Airport tax cost IDR150,000 per pax and it's compulsory to pay before flying.
  2. Baggage allowance for flight to Jakarta was 15 kg (RM35) and flight from Jakarta was 30 kg (RM70.
  3. Stayed in MaxOne for first 1 night before leaving on the next day to Bandung - post here.
  4. Stayed in Sensa Hotel Bandung for 2 night and gosh, it's one of the best hotel I ever stayed. Highly recommended. - post here.
  5. The hotel that I booked earlier but didn't stayed cause unable the locate the hotel's location.
  6. Therefore, stayed in Ibis Jakarta Mangga Dua before flying back home - post here.
  7. Included airport tranfer from and to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
  8. Transfer from the train station to our hotel.
  9. Bought the train tickets and depart from Gambir Station, Jakarta.
  10. Alternative option cause mommy didn't want a train ride anymore. Bought the tickets on the first floor of CiWalk.
  11. Rate for 12 hours per day including the fuel but excluded the parking and entrance fees.
  12. Admission fee for a tourist is IDR50,000 but cause both mommy and I looks like Indonesian (kinda an advantage for us), we were being charged under local fee for IDR13,000 per pax only whereas the parking fee is IDR10,000. We paid on behalf of our local driver too.
  13. Most of my souvenirs and shopping haul are as above photos. 

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