Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 12, 2012

Snapshot Sunday: My 2012 Year End Trip

My Year End Trip-2
Definitely and for sure, this is my final trip for the year 2012. Just like every year, no matter how many times I travelled, I will plan at least a trip for my dearest family and this time around, I planned for something different. Visited 3 different cities in a week via overland. We flew into Johor Bahru, then hired van driver to Singapore. Then from Singapore to Malacca and finally arrived in Kuala Lumpur. Initially was supposed a trip with my mom and siblings (dad was too busy with his works), ended up my aunt and cousins from Brunei joined us for the trip too. First time I planned for such a big group (there are 9 of us) from hotel arrangement to transportation mode. Another challenging tasks but I kinda love the feelings of doing so. 
"Till then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers!"

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