Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 5, 2011

Ticket to ROFL

This is a pro bono advertorial which sole purpose is to generate karma points to be claimed in the near future.

This is my client.

Since my client has no rights demanding stuff he didn’t pay for, i will also save my time beating around the bush cracking my head to think of ways to con you all into buying something.

I will ask you outright instead whether you like it or not. Now please go to this link and spend RM74 for two pieces of paper.

That two pieces of paper would entitle you and your partner to 1 hour of ROFLing, no intermission.

That’s Kuah Jenhan’s first solo stand-up comedy show. I think most tickets are sold out already but you can still get some shitty seats if you don’t mind. I’ll probably be sitting next to you because i bought very late too wtf.

Since he’s appeared big small inside outside left right corner up down multiple times in major newspaper and magazines, aiya i will support abit and help him fullfil his dream and tick “Appearing on” off his aspiration list wtf.

But i really appreciate good humor la. Especially comedy that’s funny without having to resort to sex or other dirty jokes. He’s the third punniest person i know. First is Oli, second is Aud. Actually Aud is just puny not punny so he’s second.

The other day my timeline was flooded with LOLOLOLs because of him.

Haih. The one tweet i got most RT from is not even mine wtf.

Please just go and follow him instead la wtf since funny is his profession. I’ll just stick to being professionally… full of crap wtf. And cute WTF.

Summore he got nicer hair and bigger T shirt than me wtf.

Two-Toned hair and WC shirt sponsored by minimaos.

Ok standard call to action again: go to to waste your money nao.

Writing this post is making me emotionally imbalanced because this is the first time i blog about someone else more than myself wtf.

So here’s a big ass picture of me to compensate for the lack of full-of-sellness.

Ok 4 is about fine in case i am overdoing it.

Oh by the way Dumbi, did i tell you that this is your birthday present in advance? And also Xmas. And next year’s bday present. This shit ass advert is worth 3 birthday presents. At least.

You’re welcome.

Link to full article

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