Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 3, 2012

Dresden, 800 Years Old City of Germany

Date of Visited: 3rd October 2008

Have you ever heard of Dresden before? Frankly speaking, neither do I. Before we travelled from Prague, Crezh Republic into Berlin, the vibrant capital city of Germany, we stopby for a period to visit this 800 years old city of Germany.

We were brought by Sarah, our tour guide to few of the notable attractions of Dresden. The first one was Zwinger.
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Zwinger is a palace and Dresden's most famous landmark. It is famous for its finest examples of late Baroque architecture in Germany.

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With its large inner courtyard, it used to be for court activities, fireworks and even tournaments.

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Marvellous architecture of the wall pavilion

Today, the Baroque complex of pavillions, galleries and inner courtyards is home to the excellent Old Masters Picture Gallery, the Armoury, the Porcelain Collection, and the Zoological Museum.

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Next was Semperoper. Semperoper is the opera house and concert hall of Dresden. As it required admission fee and because time constraint, we didn't went it. But just looking at outside of the building, I can't deny that Semperoper is one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world.

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Situated on the right of Semperoper was Katholische Hofkirche, literally in English means The Catholic Church of the Royal Court of Saxony.

Similar to Prague, most of Dresden's highlight attractions are located on the banks of the Elbe river in Dresden's Old Town and in walking distance from each other. Although approximately 80% of Dresden’s historic center was destroyed due to the World War II, all of these important landmarks have been rebuilt and reconstructed to their former splendor.

[Credit To: Wikipedia, A View on Cities, Semperoper Erleben,,

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