Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 3, 2012

Prague's Attractions & Sightseeing

Date of Visited: 2nd October 2008

Prague is one of Europe famous tourist destinations. There are lots of old buildings with beautiful murals on them. To get true sense of Prague, the best way is hitting the pavement like I mentioned before in my previous post. So in this post as what I promised before, here are few of attractions and sightseeing which I experienced before that must visit and see if you plan to visit Prague in future.

1. Prague Castle

Prague Castle 01
The Prague Castle is the ancient symbol and the most significant Czech cultural monument. As Prague Castle has been recorded as the world's biggest ancient castle, hence it is the number one tourist attraction in Prague.

Prague Castle 02
The other side view of Prague Castle

Prague Castle 03

Just like the other Royal Palaces, there is an hourly changing of the guard ceremony. At noon, the ceremony includes fanfare at a flag ceremony as well in the first courtyard.

Prague Castle 04
A photo group with the whole tourmates and tour guide in front of Prague Castle

The Castle is accessible by everyone and it is open daily. However, there are some areas require to buy a ticket for entrance. In that case, we decided to visit the other attractions instead.

2. Charles Bridge
Charles Bridge 02

Among of all the bridges of Prague, Charles Bridge is the famous historic bridge that connect between Prague Castle and the city's Old Town and other adjacent areas. It is also one of the most famous attractions that you shouldn't miss out when visit Prague. Charles Bridge is richly adorned with sculptures - coats of arms of the countries belonging to the Czech Crown.

Charles Bridge 04
A full details of Charles Bridge was written on a wall of a high tower

Charles Bridge 03
A whole view on how the bridge looks like

Charles Bridge 05
Numerous of painters and musicians when crossing across the bridge

And if you are looking for shopping around Prague, Charles Bridge does offer various of stalls that selling anything from black and white photos of Prague to home-made jewellery. This is where I search for my travel knick-knacks; keychains and fridge magnets.

3. Old Town Square
Old Town Square

The Old Town Square is one of the two main squares of Prague. This is one of the most beautiful historical sights in Europe with numerous of ancient buildings and magnificent churches surrounding the square. Take a look on the photo above, on the left-hand side is the world notable famed, Astronomical Clock meanwhile on the right-hand side is Church of Our Lady Before Tyn.

Old Town Square is also another recommended place if you want experience slightly more cultural shopping experience where you could find typical souvenirs such as Bohemian crystal and hand-made Marionette Puppets.

Prague 15

4. Old Town Hall with the Astronomical Clock
Astronomical Clock 01
Astronomical Clock 02

Prague Astronomical Clock is the third oldest clock in the world and it is still working until now even thought it was installed in 1410. If you notice the first clock on top, it is the zodiacal ring with the signs of different zodiac whereas the yellow clock on the bottom is added with calender.

5. Church of Our Lady Before Tyn
Týn Church in Old Town Square

Dominates one side of Old Town Square, standing a church named The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, or the pure Gothic Tyn Church where it can been seen all over Prague city. Its unique twin towers with many spires is useful as bearing and meeting point for the tourist.

Prague at Night
Last but not least, enjoy the magnificent night view of Prague which will truly amaze you.

For your information, Czech Republic is among few of Europe countries that use their own currency instead of Euro currency. The currency of the Czech Republic is the Ceska koruna or Czech Crown (Kc). There are few shop and eateries that accept Euro but we prefer to change a few.

Czech Crown
Leftover Czech crown from my Europe trip.

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