Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 3, 2012

Foodie Friday: Goku Raku Ramen, Mid Valley & Ichiban Boshi, Pavilion

Note: Sharing of 2 Japanese eateries in 1 post because tons of foodies post I haven't blog yet. One more thing, this is another scheduled post cause I am currently away for another trip mrgreen

One of my bestie told me that Goku Raku Ramen serve the most delicious authentic Japanese Ramen which can't find in any other places and she recommended to me that I must try before I will leave KL permanently last year. I spotted this eatery few times before while wandering around Mid Valley but never have the chance to try it. Thanks to my UK unimate, Kai Xin aka Happy, who decided to meet up in Mid Valley, hence I introduced to her this eatery since both of us haven't try this before.

Goku Raku Ramen 01

Located on the second floor of Mid Valley Megamall nearby FOS, this non-halal Ramen eatery serve flavourful broth from a mix of pork, chicken and fish together with the Shio (salt) and Shoyu (Japanese soy sauce) soup base made especially by the chef.

Goku Raku Ramen 02

When browsing through their menu, I did noticed that besides Ramen, they do serve other variety of meals too. But since Goku Raku is famous for Ramen, its signature dish, therefore we decided to try to see how good it was.

Goku Raku Ramen 03
My meal - Char Siew Tonkotsu Ramen

Goku Raku Ramen 04
Kai Xin's meal - Ultimate Tonkotsu Ramen

Although both of us ordered the different meals, but from the surface both looks almost the same except Kai Xin's one topped with egg. The serving portion could be consider quite huge for both of us and thank goodness that we did not ordered any side dishes, or else we might feeling sinful for not able to finish them. The Ramen is very smooth and not too soft but there's one thing that make me wanna think twice whether to come back or not is the soup. Might not be our lucky day at that moment because both of us think that the soup is quite salty. Overall, everything is fine by the way.

Before I almost forgot and another backdated post again, my housemate and I spotted this Japanese restaurant on the lowest ground floor of Pavilion, Ichiban Boshi. Anyone try this before? Neither both of us, therefore we decided go and testing testing. Plus, both of us love Japanese foods so much.

Ichiban Boshi 01

Ichiban Boshi 02
Love the atmosphere of this restaurant

In order to prevent from feeling sleepy during the class time with the stuffed stomach, both of us just having a light meal by picking sushi from kaiten belt or ordering from menu instead of ala-carte or set meal.

Ichiban Boshi 03
The kaiten belt is always filled with sushi all the time

Ichiban Boshi 04

One thing I love about this Ichiba Boshi was because it served assorted of sushi that I couldn't find at any other of Japanese restaurant. Not only cause of its rare and unique sushi, but I still remembered their sushi menu is like more than 2 pages just for the sushi itself. Not forgeting, they did served Teriyaki Chicken Temaki too, which is my favourite Temaki and I was so delightful when I saw it stated on the menu because it is quite hard for me to have it at any normal Japanese restaurant.

So, if I have the chance to visit KL again, definitely I will return again to try out more of their sushi and also other dishes.

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