Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 3, 2012

Real Budget Backpacking Style in Philippines

If you happen to read 2 of my previous post, you might know that I am currently on a trip to somewhere around the world. So did you managed to guess where on earth am I right now? Well, I am currently in Manila, Philippines with 2 of my high school friends for almost a week. Once again, I travelled with different group of friends of mine and I experienced different kind of feelings and situation when travel with different group of people but afterall, this is the time where I learned to handle and make everything under control.

You might asking why my friends and I choose to travel around Philippines? Simple, because I am a travel junkie who always dream of wanderlust. That's my tagline by the way and if anywhere where I could possible land my foot on, definitely I love to go and try to explore them. Plus, my friends and I managed to book a return ticket fare via AirAsia for only RM45. Cheap, right? But do take note that the air fare doesn't included the airport departure tax.

Choosing to backpacking in Philippines like what my friends and I did right now is not a problem if you are a wise and experienced travellers. So, for those travel bloggers who used to backpack and DIY most of the trip by themself like John, Fatt, Lily Riani, Biqque, Byya, Chawana, Kemang and Shahrul, I guess there is not big deal for you guys to travel here. But if you never have the experience of backpacking before, I would strongly advise to sign up with travel agent before you reach Philippines. This is because Philippines is being ranked as one of the country with the most highest crime rate. So, don't take the risk if you don't have enough experience to plan a trip to Philippines.

My friends and I did so many activities during our 1 week trip at City of Manila and here are the things we did here:

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Went to Tagaytay City and ride on a ownmade small boat. But the most adventurous experience I had was my first time exprience riding on a horse and went all the way up to the hill to see the smallest and lowest volcanon, Taal Volcano. #Butthurt on the next day confused

Philippines 02
City Day Tour to all the most famous attractions around Manila.

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Talking about shopping, Philippines has countless of shopping malls. We even visited Mall of Asia, the third largest shopping mall in Asia and fourth largest shopping mall in the world.

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And because we have lots of spare time, we decided to have a day trip to Manila Ocean Park. Although it was not that interesting compare to most aquamarine park I visited before in other cities, but this one is way much better than Malaysia one, the Underworld in Langkawi. I think Malaysia must seriously go and learn from them.

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Somehow, we did hired a local tour guide for 2 days because there are few places that is not easily accessible and also in order to avoid all the hassle and time constraint. Thanks to my cousin for recommend Abel Dava to us. He is indeed a very good tour guide and I really recommend him to you if you plan your trip to Philippines in future. Do email me if you need his tour services.

And not forgetting, I would like to say million of thanks to Lady Mariah for all the help, tips and guide that you gave me for my plan to Philippines.

After reading this travel post of mine, are you interested to visit Philippines now? I do enjoy my trip here by the way. That's recap my 3rd trip for the year of 2012. Till then, do keep visit my travel & living blog for more.
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