Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 3, 2012

Goodbye My Passport Stamp Collection

For only being occupied 10 pages out of 32 pages of my previous passport, and now all I can see is just a define clean and without any stamp on this newly 4th passport. Wondering why can't they just change the hard cover of the passport and retain the content of itself? I am truly unhappy and so sad regarding this renewing of passport cause gonna said goodbye to all of the passport stamp collection from my past 5 years of travelling trail and even including visa which is so hard to apply especially the Japan visa.

From my first passport stamp I got in Manchester, United Kingdom until the final passport stamp in Brunei on last January of this year, all of these brought lots of great and priceless memories to me which nothing can replace with. Imagine from the moment you reach the destination and got the stamp from the immigration officer, there it goes the beginning of every journey and unforgettable path for a newly or even similar places that you visited until the end of the final travel date.

Passport Stamp Collection 01
Left side: Hong Kong & Macau (2010)
Right side: Manchester & Paris (2008); Singapore (2011)

Passport Stamp Collection 02
Left side: London & Paris (2008); Hong Kong (2010)
Right side: Singapore (2010); Taiwan (2010)

Passport Stamp Collection 03
Left side: Japan (2010); Taiwan (2010); South Korea (2011)
Right side: Japan visa (2011)

Passport Stamp Collection 04
Left side: Indonesia (2011); Brunei (2012)
Right side: Phuket, Thailand (2012); Brunei (2012)

Passport Stamp Collection 05
Left side: China visa (2011)
Right side: China (2011)

Visited 22 countries within these 5 years and received countless of passport stamp collection together with 2 visa applied is truly one of the best moments in my life which I couldn't forget forever. Hopefully with my this newly passport, I hope I could get more passport stamp collection but the most importantly is the experience I will gain and learn throughout every places and cities I will going to.

Passport Cover
My passport cover which I bought from Everland, South Korea. Adorable or not?

Last but not least, I would like to inform that this is my scheduled post by the way as I'm now on my way to get my first passport stamp collection on my 4th passport. So, this is my 23rd country that I am going to visit now. Stay tune to find out where on earth am I right now.wink

*Gonna travel for 16 days - from 20th March until 8th April . In between, will stopby in KL for flight connection*

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