Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 3, 2012

I In Love With Prague

Date of Visited: 2nd October 2008

I guess many of you know of Paris, Rome or even Berlin but have you guys ever heard of Prague? Even myself did not know where exactly is this place until I landed my foot there, out of my expectation Prague has instantly took my breath away.

Around Europe for 20 days and visited 10 countries and 13 cities, Prague is one my favourite city after Venice, Italy. Prague is the capital and largest city of Czech Republic, which situated in the heart of Europe and borders on Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria.

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Most of the historical monuments, museums and galleries are situated on both banks of Vltava river, which is the country's longest river such as Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square and many more to be listed on.

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A view from the hill where we can seen bridges over the Vltava river and each of these bridges have their own unique name

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Townscape of burger houses and palaces punctuated by towers, and its individual buildings are concentrated on the Vltava river.

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A random shot by my friend which I really love this

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Prague Castle, the national cultural monument and biggest ancient castle in the world.

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Time for a lil bit of snapshot before walking down the hill to the metropolitan city.

Touring around the city of Prague is never a big deal for foreign tourists like us, as Prague is renowned as a very "walkable" city. For those who enjoy venture the old and new city by foot, it is easily walk from one point to another point around the town center. However, almost all of the streets are cobbled, rendering it very difficult for disabled or elderly travellers to get around effectively.

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Rudolfinum, a concert and exhibition hall of Prague

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An exhibition of collection of Barbie Dolls. We didn't went in and have a look due to time constraint.

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Bronze statue of one of the best author in Prague, Franz Kafka

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Sitting on a tree that had inspired Isaac Newton to formulate the theory of gravitation - An Apple Tree.

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One of the reason I was madly in love with Prague was because my friends and I got to experience the feelings of autumn season compare to the other cities we visited, where can seen that the colour of the leaves had shifted from green to either yellow or orange.

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We even noticed that some part of this building has been covered by the red autumn foliage. Introduce my travelmates where we travelled to South Korea again after 3 years of this Europe trip. [NOTE: Will blog about South Korea once I almost done with my post around United Kingdom and Europe.]

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Unsure whether Prague is famous with these kind of dolls but it can be seen everywhere around Old Town Square, the streets that filled with gift shops geared towards tourists.

Seriously, I can't define how beautiful and wonderful of Praha (another name for Prague by the local) but if I was given another chance to visit Europe again, definitely Prague will on the top of my list. Besides rich with its history and culture, most of its history architecture are not being affected much from the World War II and able stay true to form, no wonder Prague is the sixth most-visited European city after London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and Berlin. I will continue few list of Prague's attractions in the next post.

[Credit To: Wikipedia,, Historic Centre of Prague, Wikitravel]

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