Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2012

Chiang Mai's Haul

Chiang Mai Haul 01
Lots of haul I got there, right?

You might wondering when did I went Chiang Mai, Thailand? No, I didn't. How I really wish I could visit this city where enjoy a ride on the big giant elephant, seeing all the magnificent and beautiful "wat" or known as temple or even shopping till I drop? My parents did that by the way when both of them went Chiang Mai last month with their friends. And they did buy lot of goodies/stuff like what you saw as the above just for me. Greedy gal am I, right?

Chiang Mai Haul 02
My parents especially my mom bought lots of small handbags for me. I did request to buy 1-2 handbags for me because I spotted some nice handbags in Sungai Way and I noticed it was made from Thailand.

Chiang Mai Haul 03
They even bought couple T-shirt for me and my boyfie. Erm... Feeling a lil bit awkward and until now both boyfie and I never wear it.

Chiang Mai Haul 07
Bought lots of keychains and fridge magnets to add into my collection as usual

Chiang Mai Haul 04
Hair clip accessories. Eventually some of it are supposed to give to my sister or cousin, but I grabbed it all for myself. Bad gal bad gal...

Besides bought few stuff for me, my parents did bought tons of haul too. Mainly because they had booked the luggage allowance to the max up to 30kg each.

Chiang Mai Haul 06
A small but beautiful fragrant lamp set porcelain

Chiang Mai Haul 05
A sparkling dragon crystal bracelet

Chiang Mai Haul 08
And even a set of luxury and speed car to add into my dad's collection.

But I was wrong. They're not a car toy by the way. They are...


Chiang Mai Haul 09
Eventually both of them are handphone. I totally almost choked to death when my mom told me that they are handphone. Never thought Thailand is so high tech, ah!

NOTE: A quick and lousy post because I am currently travelling again. I back in KK for less than 5 days, and now flying somewhere else again. Happy weekend everyone!

Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 3, 2012

Dresden, 800 Years Old City of Germany

Date of Visited: 3rd October 2008

Have you ever heard of Dresden before? Frankly speaking, neither do I. Before we travelled from Prague, Crezh Republic into Berlin, the vibrant capital city of Germany, we stopby for a period to visit this 800 years old city of Germany.

We were brought by Sarah, our tour guide to few of the notable attractions of Dresden. The first one was Zwinger.
Dresden 01

Zwinger is a palace and Dresden's most famous landmark. It is famous for its finest examples of late Baroque architecture in Germany.

Dresden 02
Dresden 03
With its large inner courtyard, it used to be for court activities, fireworks and even tournaments.

Dresden 04
Marvellous architecture of the wall pavilion

Today, the Baroque complex of pavillions, galleries and inner courtyards is home to the excellent Old Masters Picture Gallery, the Armoury, the Porcelain Collection, and the Zoological Museum.

Dresden 05
Next was Semperoper. Semperoper is the opera house and concert hall of Dresden. As it required admission fee and because time constraint, we didn't went it. But just looking at outside of the building, I can't deny that Semperoper is one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world.

Dresden 06
Situated on the right of Semperoper was Katholische Hofkirche, literally in English means The Catholic Church of the Royal Court of Saxony.

Similar to Prague, most of Dresden's highlight attractions are located on the banks of the Elbe river in Dresden's Old Town and in walking distance from each other. Although approximately 80% of Dresden’s historic center was destroyed due to the World War II, all of these important landmarks have been rebuilt and reconstructed to their former splendor.

[Credit To: Wikipedia, A View on Cities, Semperoper Erleben,,

Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 3, 2012

Real Budget Backpacking Style in Philippines

If you happen to read 2 of my previous post, you might know that I am currently on a trip to somewhere around the world. So did you managed to guess where on earth am I right now? Well, I am currently in Manila, Philippines with 2 of my high school friends for almost a week. Once again, I travelled with different group of friends of mine and I experienced different kind of feelings and situation when travel with different group of people but afterall, this is the time where I learned to handle and make everything under control.

You might asking why my friends and I choose to travel around Philippines? Simple, because I am a travel junkie who always dream of wanderlust. That's my tagline by the way and if anywhere where I could possible land my foot on, definitely I love to go and try to explore them. Plus, my friends and I managed to book a return ticket fare via AirAsia for only RM45. Cheap, right? But do take note that the air fare doesn't included the airport departure tax.

Choosing to backpacking in Philippines like what my friends and I did right now is not a problem if you are a wise and experienced travellers. So, for those travel bloggers who used to backpack and DIY most of the trip by themself like John, Fatt, Lily Riani, Biqque, Byya, Chawana, Kemang and Shahrul, I guess there is not big deal for you guys to travel here. But if you never have the experience of backpacking before, I would strongly advise to sign up with travel agent before you reach Philippines. This is because Philippines is being ranked as one of the country with the most highest crime rate. So, don't take the risk if you don't have enough experience to plan a trip to Philippines.

My friends and I did so many activities during our 1 week trip at City of Manila and here are the things we did here:

Philippines 01
Went to Tagaytay City and ride on a ownmade small boat. But the most adventurous experience I had was my first time exprience riding on a horse and went all the way up to the hill to see the smallest and lowest volcanon, Taal Volcano. #Butthurt on the next day confused

Philippines 02
City Day Tour to all the most famous attractions around Manila.

Philippines 03
Talking about shopping, Philippines has countless of shopping malls. We even visited Mall of Asia, the third largest shopping mall in Asia and fourth largest shopping mall in the world.

Philippines 04
And because we have lots of spare time, we decided to have a day trip to Manila Ocean Park. Although it was not that interesting compare to most aquamarine park I visited before in other cities, but this one is way much better than Malaysia one, the Underworld in Langkawi. I think Malaysia must seriously go and learn from them.

Align Center

Philippines 05

Somehow, we did hired a local tour guide for 2 days because there are few places that is not easily accessible and also in order to avoid all the hassle and time constraint. Thanks to my cousin for recommend Abel Dava to us. He is indeed a very good tour guide and I really recommend him to you if you plan your trip to Philippines in future. Do email me if you need his tour services.

And not forgetting, I would like to say million of thanks to Lady Mariah for all the help, tips and guide that you gave me for my plan to Philippines.

After reading this travel post of mine, are you interested to visit Philippines now? I do enjoy my trip here by the way. That's recap my 3rd trip for the year of 2012. Till then, do keep visit my travel & living blog for more.
Align Center

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 3, 2012

Foodie Friday: Goku Raku Ramen, Mid Valley & Ichiban Boshi, Pavilion

Note: Sharing of 2 Japanese eateries in 1 post because tons of foodies post I haven't blog yet. One more thing, this is another scheduled post cause I am currently away for another trip mrgreen

One of my bestie told me that Goku Raku Ramen serve the most delicious authentic Japanese Ramen which can't find in any other places and she recommended to me that I must try before I will leave KL permanently last year. I spotted this eatery few times before while wandering around Mid Valley but never have the chance to try it. Thanks to my UK unimate, Kai Xin aka Happy, who decided to meet up in Mid Valley, hence I introduced to her this eatery since both of us haven't try this before.

Goku Raku Ramen 01

Located on the second floor of Mid Valley Megamall nearby FOS, this non-halal Ramen eatery serve flavourful broth from a mix of pork, chicken and fish together with the Shio (salt) and Shoyu (Japanese soy sauce) soup base made especially by the chef.

Goku Raku Ramen 02

When browsing through their menu, I did noticed that besides Ramen, they do serve other variety of meals too. But since Goku Raku is famous for Ramen, its signature dish, therefore we decided to try to see how good it was.

Goku Raku Ramen 03
My meal - Char Siew Tonkotsu Ramen

Goku Raku Ramen 04
Kai Xin's meal - Ultimate Tonkotsu Ramen

Although both of us ordered the different meals, but from the surface both looks almost the same except Kai Xin's one topped with egg. The serving portion could be consider quite huge for both of us and thank goodness that we did not ordered any side dishes, or else we might feeling sinful for not able to finish them. The Ramen is very smooth and not too soft but there's one thing that make me wanna think twice whether to come back or not is the soup. Might not be our lucky day at that moment because both of us think that the soup is quite salty. Overall, everything is fine by the way.

Before I almost forgot and another backdated post again, my housemate and I spotted this Japanese restaurant on the lowest ground floor of Pavilion, Ichiban Boshi. Anyone try this before? Neither both of us, therefore we decided go and testing testing. Plus, both of us love Japanese foods so much.

Ichiban Boshi 01

Ichiban Boshi 02
Love the atmosphere of this restaurant

In order to prevent from feeling sleepy during the class time with the stuffed stomach, both of us just having a light meal by picking sushi from kaiten belt or ordering from menu instead of ala-carte or set meal.

Ichiban Boshi 03
The kaiten belt is always filled with sushi all the time

Ichiban Boshi 04

One thing I love about this Ichiba Boshi was because it served assorted of sushi that I couldn't find at any other of Japanese restaurant. Not only cause of its rare and unique sushi, but I still remembered their sushi menu is like more than 2 pages just for the sushi itself. Not forgeting, they did served Teriyaki Chicken Temaki too, which is my favourite Temaki and I was so delightful when I saw it stated on the menu because it is quite hard for me to have it at any normal Japanese restaurant.

So, if I have the chance to visit KL again, definitely I will return again to try out more of their sushi and also other dishes.

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 3, 2012

Goodbye My Passport Stamp Collection

For only being occupied 10 pages out of 32 pages of my previous passport, and now all I can see is just a define clean and without any stamp on this newly 4th passport. Wondering why can't they just change the hard cover of the passport and retain the content of itself? I am truly unhappy and so sad regarding this renewing of passport cause gonna said goodbye to all of the passport stamp collection from my past 5 years of travelling trail and even including visa which is so hard to apply especially the Japan visa.

From my first passport stamp I got in Manchester, United Kingdom until the final passport stamp in Brunei on last January of this year, all of these brought lots of great and priceless memories to me which nothing can replace with. Imagine from the moment you reach the destination and got the stamp from the immigration officer, there it goes the beginning of every journey and unforgettable path for a newly or even similar places that you visited until the end of the final travel date.

Passport Stamp Collection 01
Left side: Hong Kong & Macau (2010)
Right side: Manchester & Paris (2008); Singapore (2011)

Passport Stamp Collection 02
Left side: London & Paris (2008); Hong Kong (2010)
Right side: Singapore (2010); Taiwan (2010)

Passport Stamp Collection 03
Left side: Japan (2010); Taiwan (2010); South Korea (2011)
Right side: Japan visa (2011)

Passport Stamp Collection 04
Left side: Indonesia (2011); Brunei (2012)
Right side: Phuket, Thailand (2012); Brunei (2012)

Passport Stamp Collection 05
Left side: China visa (2011)
Right side: China (2011)

Visited 22 countries within these 5 years and received countless of passport stamp collection together with 2 visa applied is truly one of the best moments in my life which I couldn't forget forever. Hopefully with my this newly passport, I hope I could get more passport stamp collection but the most importantly is the experience I will gain and learn throughout every places and cities I will going to.

Passport Cover
My passport cover which I bought from Everland, South Korea. Adorable or not?

Last but not least, I would like to inform that this is my scheduled post by the way as I'm now on my way to get my first passport stamp collection on my 4th passport. So, this is my 23rd country that I am going to visit now. Stay tune to find out where on earth am I right now.wink

*Gonna travel for 16 days - from 20th March until 8th April . In between, will stopby in KL for flight connection*

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2012

Snapshot Sunday: Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Switzerland is not only a country that cover with snow but it has the most impressive and spectacular scenery through its valleys in the Alps, between gigantic rock faces and mountain peaks and also surrounding with different and unique chalets.

Check out my old travel post: Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 3, 2012

Met United Buddy Bears in Berlin

I guess most of you have met United Buddy Bears as these colourful bear statues were being displayed last few month in front of the entrance of Pavilion KL. Yes, I did met them too on last January before going holiday to Phuket. But you might not knowing that this is not the first time I met United Buddy Bears cause I met them before way back in year 2008 in Berlin, Germany.

Berlin United Buddy Bears 01

Initially, my friends and I thought these bears are just like any other normal statues that might be symbol of a country. Out of our expectation, these fibreglass bear sculptures was originally developed in Berlin, Germany has now taken over the world with spreading a message of peace, international understanding and tolerance among the nations, cultures and religions of this world.

Berlin United Buddy Bears 02

Unlike the one in Pavilion, KL where the exhibition was displayed at one point and you take photo or even hug with almost all of these 143 two meter tall fibreglass bears, Berlin did it differently. These bear sculptures were displayed at different point, so it might be a lil bit tricky to consume some time, energy and even some luck to find them.

Berlin United Buddy Bears 03
Design of the world genius Albert Einstein. Specially dedicated for him as he was German-born and you know what, today is the day where he was born.

Berlin United Buddy Bears 08

Berlin United Buddy Bears 04

Berlin United Buddy Bears 05

Berlin United Buddy Bears 06

While searching for these around Berlin, I told my friends that I have the intention to buy these United Buddy Bears keychains as part of my travel collection. And guess what?

Berlin United Buddy Bears 09
Yes, I did saw there is a shop somewhere around Berlin city selling these kind of keychains. Unfortunately, they were so expensive. A mini and small keychain with the height of at least 2 inches or less cost almost RM100 for one only. Hence, my intention to have them immediately vanished once I saw the price tag. The keychains are indeed so pretty and creative but their price are much more prettier. Deng!

Since I unable to buy those keychains, therefore my friends and I did something silly and insane.

Berlin United Buddy Bears 07
Yeah! We're becoming the United Buddy Bear Human instead.

I really enjoy taking photo with these series of painted bear statues together with my friends. I guess I started to admire all this kind of series statues wherever I met them while travelling; taking for example like "Superlambananas in Liverpool" and the latest one I spotted in Phuket.
A compilation of photo with United Buddy Bears in Berlin, Germany.